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If you want to add additional functionality to Discounts, you can register your own custom discount types.

Registering a discount type.

use Lunar\Facades\Discounts;


namespace App\DiscountTypes;

use Lunar\Models\Cart;
use Lunar\DiscountTypes\AbstractDiscountType;

class MyCustomDiscountType extends AbstractDiscountType
     * Return the name of the discount.
     * @return string
    public function getName(): string
        return 'Custom Discount Type';

     * Called just before cart totals are calculated.
     * @return Cart
    public function apply(Cart $cart): Cart
        // ...
        return $cart;

Adding form fields for your discount in the admin panel

If you require fields in the Lunar admin for your discount type, ensure your discount implements Lunar\Admin\Base\LunarPanelDiscountInterface. You will need to provide the lunarPanelSchema, lunarPanelOnFill and lunarPanelOnSave methods.


namespace App\DiscountTypes;

use Lunar\Admin\Base\LunarPanelDiscountInterface;
use Lunar\DiscountTypes\AbstractDiscountType;

class MyCustomDiscountType extends AbstractDiscountType implements LunarPanelDiscountInterface
     * Return the schema to use in the Lunar admin panel
    public function lunarPanelSchema(): array
        return [
               ->label('My label')

     * Mutate the model data before displaying it in the admin form.
    public function lunarPanelOnFill(array $data): array
        // optionally do something with $data
        return $data;

     * Mutate the form data before saving it to the discount model.
    public function lunarPanelOnSave(array $data): array
        // optionally do something with $data
        return $data;